​ Newbridge, Co. Kildare | ​ 045 449449 | ​ gerardcantyopticians@gmail.com

About Us
Established in Newbridge, Co. Kildare in 1980, G Canty Opticians offers a full range of optical services for customers in Kildare and the surrounding areas. As a local, independent optician service, we pride ourselves on offering top-class customer service, putting your comfort and health at the heart of everything that we do. We offer a wide range of optical services including children and adult eye tests, eye tests for driving licenses, OCT scanning, eye health monitoring, and more. With a large range of modern and traditional frames available, you can be sure to find the perfect pair of glasses to suit your own individual style and budget. We also offer prescription sunglasses and contact lenses to customers, with an experienced team of knowledgeable staff always on-hand to help you out with advice and recommendations when needed.

Meet Our Team

Gerard Canty
Gerard Canty. Founded the practice in 1980. Ger qualified at DIT, Dublin. He is a member of the Association of Optommetrists Ireland and is registered with CORU. Ger is also a past member of the British Contact Lens Association.

Olivia joined the practice in early 2020 having worked for over ten years in private practice in Dublin. She graduated from Ulster University in 2007 with a first class honours degree in Optometry. Her pre registration training was undertaken at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital. She holds postgraduate professional certificates in both glaucoma and medical retina. In addition, she has completed a diploma in dispensing optics with the A.B.D.O. Olivia also graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a B.A. in Olivia joined the practice in early 2020 having worked for over ten years in private practice in Dublin. She graduated from Ulster University in 2007 with a first class honours degree in Optometry. Her pre registration training was undertaken at Manchester Royal Eye Hospital. She holds postgraduate professional certificates in both glaucoma and medical retina. In addition, she has completed a diploma in dispensing optics with the A.B.D.O. Olivia also graduated from Trinity College Dublin with a B.A. in Science and holds a diploma in life coaching. She is a member of the College of Optometrists and of the Association of Optometrists Ireland.

Dr. Loretta Nolan. Consultant Ophthalmologist. Loretta is a specialist in the refraction of young children.




Aoife, Caroline, Miriam and Margaret, our team of optical assistants Lab technicians have many years of experience and will be delighted to assist you.
Providing Full Optical Services in Kildare
​ Children Eye Tests
​ Adult Eye Tests
​ Eye Health Screening
​ Adult Eye Tests
​ Optical Health Advice & Recommendations
​ Glasses for Sale
​ Prescription Sunglasses for Sale
​ Contact Lenses For Sale
​ Glasses Repairs